Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Learning patience.....

Patience is a virtue, isn't that what they say. Well, I'm lacking in that category. I'm the one that needs things to happen yesterday....always have been. Right now, I'm trying to patiently wait on my lens to come in. It is stuck in Illinois somewhere and hasn't moved for almost 24 hours. And if that wasn't enough, my friend Kristen (fabulous photographer) has just informed me of a workshop that Amy Wenzel is putting on in June. I have been looking for a great workshop to attend for months and it would be so great to go with a friend and enjoy the learning experience together. Bad news is, I have to come up with a good chunk of change to pay for it and also my plane ticket to Grand Rapids, Michigan.

So.......the wait goes on!

1 comment:

Missy said...

wait for it...wait for it...