Thursday, January 29, 2009

{ "S" Family }

Thanks for all the great advice and positive feedback about my brochure. It was fun putting it together. I still have a few little tweaks to do before I send it to the printer. I am hoping to have them in my hands within the next couple weeks.

I did my first family shoot of 2009 today! The "S" family welcomed me into their home for the morning. It was great fun getting to spend time with them and capture some great images for them. Here are a few for my popular sneak peek.


Missy said...

I love the 2nd, 3rd and 6th pics!!! Great job Mel (like always)! Oh, and I'm glad to see they are all alright! ;~)

Crazy Family said...

These pictures are FANTASTIC.. they look AMAZING! I am so impressed... I mean this is big time! Good job Mel!