Thursday, August 21, 2008

Backdrop fun

I'm trying to slowly get a studio set-up in my home. I have no idea what I'm doing or exactly what I need. I'm going off what I've seen other people do and finding little treasures of information on some of my favorite photographers' blogs.

So far, I have the stand and 4 rolls of paper for backdrops. I have yet to purchase lighting, reflector kits, or softboxes. Hopefully, in the new future those will come.

In the meantime, I decided to set up my mini studio in my dining room with as much natural light as I could muster. Here are a few pics of a quick 10 minute session with my daughter.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Thanks for the comments! I love your site and your pictures are gorgeous. Gosh, I wished you lived closer! I know a cute baby girl that would look adorable in some of your shots! =)
I have actually considered that Jaime's wish might be coming true. Enough so, that I tested it out..and I'm pleased to say that for now, he's just going to have to wait a little longer. ;)