Thursday, May 21, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

I'm back home and back to reality. Our 8 day vacation was better than we could have imagined. We had such a great time and the kids first experience at the ocean was fantastic!

I came home to a calendar overload. Immediate orthodontist appointments...turning expanders and retainers, birthday planning for my son, Field Day and testing at school, Brownie meetings and Sleepovers at the Zoo, client updates, editing vacation pics, preparing for my photo workshop in a few weeks.......i could go on, but I think y'all get it! It is totally true what they say about losing more and more brain cells with every kid. If that's not reason enough to stop at 3, I don't know what is!

I didn't go crazy with pics from our vacation. Most of the time we were doing things that made it hard to bring a camera along. I have a few, but you'll have to wait to see. I'm completely swamped with stuff right now.

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