Saturday, January 31, 2009

{ "T" Maternity }

What a fun shoot I had today! Some good friends of mine are expecting their first baby. A little girl. Without a doubt they will be fantastic parents. As you can see they are pretty much guarenteed a beautiful baby. Y'all are naturals behind the camera. Thanks "T" and "C" for having me in your home and sharing an afternoon with you. I had a great time! Soooo many great images to pick from. It was really hard to decide which ones to post for the sneak peak. Here are some of my faves!


Crazy Family said...

I REALLY like the 1st, 2nd, and last pictures... like them all really... but those are the best. You just keep getting better and better!

Missy said...

Beautiful! Love the photos taken outside - the lighting is perfect and the b/w photos give the finishing touch! :)

Kristen said...

#1 or #3 for sure. You are rockin' it!!! (I feel like I keep saying that, but you are!)