Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I love what I do!

I'm so excited to really see my business taking off. I have been working hard on pracitcing, looking for locations, researching, and lots of paperwork stuff. Just in the past month I have heard from a lot of people about scheduling shoots. I am slowly getting booked up! This weekend I have a family shoot and a maternity shoot. I can't wait! Yay!

Because this is something I absolutely love to do, it is kind of surreal to receive payment for it. Not many people have jobs that they love. I am truly blessed!
My girls went back to school this week after 3 weeks off track. It was nice having them off and enjoying some time with them. I taught them both how to make friendship bracelets and potholders over the break. It occuppied their time for at least a few days.

You should see the trees in our area. Right now, I'm looking out my front window at the gorgeous snow-peaked mountains and the bright golds and reds of all the trees. There is a little crisp in the air and leaves scattered all around. I LOVE this time of year!

I took some pics of the girls yesterday playing in the leaves. ahhh....fall!