It's Friday! I'm so excited to be going on my second excursion into the mountains this month. First, for my wonderful, pampering birthday trip; and now a weekend away with the Pickles. I know you are all wondering who or what the Pickles are. The Pickles, as we like to call ourselves, are my fellow bookclub bunch. A group of us started a bookclub almost two years ago. One of the first books we read together was called, The Persian Pickle Club. That is where the name emerged, and you'd really have to read it to find out why.
I head out tonight around 6pm with all the girls! We will be staying in a friends cabin and enjoying some girl time all weekend long. I'll be bringing my camera, of course. The mountain colors are changing and it is a sight to behold.
As for stuff around the house. My son is well on his way to being fully, yes....fully potty trained. I'm so excited! What is it about seeing those little cheeks in cute Spiderman undies! I just love to squeeze em'!
The girls are off track as of yesterday, so I'll have to find some fun things to do for the next 3 weeks to keep them occupied. Peyton's birthday is just around the corner so you know I'll be on that real soon. Actually, I already am on it. Designed and ordered the invites and made each girl attending her own press ID badge. So cute!
Next week is a busy week. I have lunch plans with a girlfriend of mine from middle school. She just had baby, and she has agreed to let me practice some newborn photo shoot ideas on her sweet little one. I'm really excited to catch up with her and meet both of her sweet girls.
Between that, two Brownie meetings, Bible study, and a follow-up Mary Kay purchase appointment I will be meeting another friend of mine to look at and learn how her studio lighting equipment works. She is a fabulous photographer that inspires me in so many ways! She is moving to NY in the late fall and is leaving behind a lot of her equipment. She has generously offered to hook me up with some stuff. I'm so excited to finally learn how to use and put together a little studio area in my house. Thanks so much K! I love ya girl!