Wow! What a weekend! After finding out that my pregnant sister-n-law was going to be induced on friday while on my way to The New Kids on the Block concert (yeah, you heard me right) with my cousin/BFF, we had to make some adjustments to our weekend schedule. Jimmy spent saturday contemplating his quick trip to Little Rock, AR and trying to book a flight. I spent most of the day organizing and getting ready for my afternoon shoot. He finally booked the flight and decided to leave right as I was having to walk out the door. This left us in a bind with, what to do with the kids! Ahhhh! Luckily, my brother and sister-n-law decided to watch them for us. Thanks guys!
The shoot went great! I loved this family, they were a blast to work with! What beautiful girls they have!
I always rush home to see what shots I got during the shoot. This day was no different, except I had to wait until all the kids were fed, bathed and sleeping before I could push that "upload" button. I'm not very patient.